When women talk about going short, there is usually one guy in the vicinity that will shake his head forlornly. There seems to be a pervasive rumour that short means unfeminine; that no guy wants to date a girl with short hair; that it’s less sexy. But it doesn’t have to be.
For one thing, short stands out. In a sea of long locks, short and sexy makes you different. When everyone else is wearing a little black dress, short hair looks like the one sexy red frock in the room.It makes you stand out because, let’s be honest, not everyone is brave enough to shorn their long strands.
She asked for short — she got it!
It does the same for your features. Have fantastic eyes that get lost in a sweep of length? They can really pop when they are framed in the right way. Same with your cheekbones, your glowing skin, and your beautiful white teeth. Short hair can accentuate all of your best features, and make your beautiful face even more beautiful.
Rocking short hair takes confidence. Cutting it can be a reinvention – the perfect way to celebrate a break up, a return to the dating pool, a new job, some weight loss, whatever. When you feel like something needs to change, a dramatic new hair cut can be the symbolic change that you have been craving. It might even be more than just symbolic. It could be the start of something great.
And lastly, if nothing else, you should go short because it is something everyone should try at least once. It stays out of your eyes, it looks great tousled under a toque, it takes less shampoo, and it means less tumbleweeds of hair in the corner of your room. And it does grow back.
It does grow back. But you might not want it to.
Great products that work amazing with short hair:
Chop Your Locks at Roka