You don’t want to be one of those clients who management and stylists dread. Manners —whether out & about in your daily life, or while in the chair at your fave salon —matter! Learning how to act while in the gentle embrace of a stylist’s smock can make the difference between dismay and rapture for all parties involved. That being said, here are a few tips to help you polish your salon etiquette.
Better three hours too soon than a minute too late
Yes, we all know the importance of being on time for everything in life —but life happens, and stylists (just like every other person) get it. So yes, it’s alright to occasionally run a few minutes behind when heading to the salon —BUT if you’re constantly showing up a half hour late don’t be surprised if one day you’re simply asked to re-book. Remember, you’re not only running on your time, but the salon’s time as well. Throwing a stylist’s schedule off by even 15 minutes can drastically alter the rest of their day. It should be noted that when coming in for your first appointment you should ALWAYS be on time. Reputable salons take the time on the initial visit to get information vital to your hair care. This can include paperwork and/or a consultation before starting with the service. If you know ahead of time that you’ll be unable to make it to an appointment, just pick up the phone and let the salon know so they can regroup, reschedule and earn the money they would have lost waiting for you to show up.
But what about the “Golden Rule”?
Ok, so we just discussed you’re being late —but what if your stylist is the one running behind? We all strive to “do unto others…”, but just like you & I, stylists can’t control other people! So if your guy/gal is still with a client when you arrive, don’t freak out. Take a seat in the waiting area and flip through a mag for a few minutes while they finish up. Manners dictate that salon etiquette come with a large portion of patience —so leave the diva ‘tude at the door.
Tipping isn’t a province in China
Let’s not tip-toe around the big issue —tipping. First off —it’s not a forgone conclusion that a tip is always necessary. If you had to wait over a half hour to be seen, then got a half-assed service, a tip can hardly be expected. However, if you got the service you wanted and were seen within 15 minutes of your scheduled appointment time, standard practice is to tip 15 to 20-percent of the total cost. If you walked away from your visit with a kick-ass style your tip should reflect that as well. Now, common practice is to tip your stylist, but what about the other members of the salon? Typically it’s not required that you tip the salon owner/manager, however it is a generous gesture to do so if they’ve made special efforts on your behalf (squeezing you in during rush-time, re-scheduling missed appointments, etc.). Plus, don’t forget about the shampoo girl! This young lady is generally working for experience and can be an unpaid student, so throwing her a few bucks is an exceptionally nice thing to do.
I’m just here for the chit chat
So we’ve covered the beginning and end of your visit —but what about the main hurdle —conversation? What to talk about? What’s polite? Just breathe. No need to go out and memorize mundane facts and weather updates. Sharing some personal details is a good thing, but you need to draw the line between casual conversation and steamy gossip. Revealing intimate details about your life can make your stylist (not to mention the other clients) uncomfortable —so unless you’re tight with your stylist, just stay clear. Other topics to avoid include salary and other clientele.
Ditch the phone
One last area to be talked about briefly is cell phones. They’re a major way to keep in touch with the world —but they’re also a major annoyance at the salon. So, unless it’s an emergency, best to just set it to vibrate and check in sporadically. If you absolutely HAVE to take a call, simply apologize for the interruption, be brief and move on.
These are just a few suggestions to help make your salon visits mutually beneficial. Always remember that life is short, but there is always time for manners.